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Safety through Service

From installation to operation

360° carefree – Our service offer

As a developer of innovative solutions for the retail trade, we want to implement our products silently and functionally in our customers’ everyday lives. To this end, we offer “all-round carefree” service options that ensure the long-term operational readiness of our products and thus investment security for our customers. For example, our products can be operated with KBST’s specially developed software as well as with existing platforms for retailers based on Android.
Always up to date
As long as our service takes care of you, we always assure you of the latest software versions. This means that you will continue to benefit from the ongoing development of our solutions even after your investment.
Immediate replacement
If something in our hardware (ScanBox) does not work properly, we will immediately provide you with spare parts or a completely new box. This means that there are practically no times when our products are not functional. This guarantees you 100% investment security.
Always there for you
If there are questions about the handling or a function is not clear: Our helpline is at your side with assistance and advice, what helps you solve challenges in the shortest possible time by phone or email.

Software solutions from KBST

For retailers with their own app – The Scanbox as a stage for retailers’ Android app!
More and more retailers offer their own smartphone application that is already established in their own customer structure. Our hardware can be seamlessly connected to these applications by equipping ScanBox or SmartShopper® with the app (via Android operating system, AOSP). Our developers take care of all the preparatory work and the product is ready for use in your shop. Features such as couponing, mobile payment or personalised advertising can be used directly on the display of the shopping trolley. The advantage for the retailer is obvious: functions that have already been developed can be seamlessly adopted and synergy effects can be leveraged. The ScanBox or the SmartShopper® are the stage for the retailer’s own app and ensure high turnover shares, customer use and benefits. The ScanBox or the SmartShopper® silently integrate directly into the structure of the retailer. Would you like to learn more? Please contact us and we will be happy to discuss individual application options with you.

No app, no problem…

For our customers without a smartphone app, we provide the complete software environment on a Linux basis. In this way, we ensure that our product solutions are immediately ready for use: Software for servers and reporting programmes on an in-house PC are also prepared and installed by us, as is the software on the ScanBox. The software is fully customisable to your company: let the ScanBox appear in your company’s CI with the help of our software and offer your customers all the advantages. In short: It has never been so easy to use a forward-looking technology for your business.

Good to know

Versatile software solutions for every application scenario

Out of the box, our solutions work on the Linux software basis. This means they can be completely customised and flexibly adapted to your requirements. All aspects such as software-based additional functions or visualisations can be implemented 100% according to your ideas. For example, would you like to play sales-promoting advertising on the display? No problem for the ScanBox!

Even if you already have your own Android-based application, it can be brought onto the ScanBox display. In this way, the ScanBox can be seamlessly adapted to the existing software infrastructure.

High-precision weighing: artificial intelligence meets practicality

The high-precision checkweigher of the SmartShopper® enables the device to learn the item weights of your assortment fully autonomously on both Android and Linux basis. The retailer has no work or effort with the maintenance of the weight data or the learning process – the SmartShoppers® takes care of that completely independently for you! A procedure that is absolutely unthinkable with any camera-based recognition!

The unique checkweigher of the SmartShoppers® provides an unseen level of security for the retailer when used by the customer and achieves what a camera check will never be able to do: it looks inside articles and outer packaging! With pure camera-based controls, a gift wrapping or shopping bag can be misused for theft: the customer puts in what he does not want to pay for. If he now puts it into the digital shopping trolley with camera recognition, he gets whatever he/she hides for free. Because the camera only sees the outside of the item, but the high-precision checkweigher of the SmartShopper® is also capable of seeing its „inside”!

Optional: Express exchange for defective hardware

The ScanBox is an equally advanced and robust tool in the trade. However, should something not work as desired, our express exchange service will always take care of a sustainable repair at short notice. This is how we guarantee the best possible operational readiness of our products in your company. Put your trust in the tried and tested solutions from KBST.

We are here for you!

Feel free to contact our team by phone or message. We are looking forward to helping you!
Frankfurter Straße 187
34121 Kassel
+49 561 83095603
© KBST digital shopping solutions. All rights reserved